PSSE Annual Convention 2023

CROWN Pipes takes immense pride in its participation in the Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers (PSSE) Annual Convention, hosted at Crowne Plaza on November 29 and 30, under the theme "Strengthening Environmental and Sanitary Engineers Towards International Opportunities for Nation Building." This gathering provided an exceptional platform for engaging with industry trends and exploring groundbreaking innovations. Actively participating in knowledge-sharing sessions, we established meaningful connections while showcasing our innovative plumbing products, including CROWN Septic tech, CAC Toilet & Bath Essentials, CROWN Sanitary, CROWN PPR, and CROWN Blue, aligning with the convention's theme goals for the year. The convention was an unforgettable experience that solidified our unwavering commitment to excellence.
#CROWNPipes #PSSEAnnualConvention #SanitaryEngineers #CROWNPipesSupportSanitaryEngineers #Envinronmentay #sanitary #plumbing