Crown Asia Chemicals in Forbes Asia's 200 Best

Publicly-listed Crown Asia Chemicals
Corporation, manufacturer of Crown premium quality compounds, world class PVC pipes
and PVC roofing, made it to the Forbes 2020 list of Asia ‘Best Under A Billion’.
For Crown, this is an unexpected piece of good news during these uncertain times considering that only three companies from the Philippines were included in the list of 200 from 18,000 listed firms in the Asia Pacific Region.
To be one among the top performers for small and medium businesses means scoring above their peers with a track record of exceptional corporate performance based on sales, earnings-per share growth in recent and 5-year fiscal years as well as recent and 5-year average returns on equity.
The list excludes companies with governance issues, questionable accounting, environmental concerns, management issues or legal troubles.
Walter H. Villanueva, Crown Chairman of the Board, finds the recent recognition significant for the company which has channeled its resources in pursuing excellence for 31 years. Quality in both products and services and overall company operations has always been a commitment for the 1SO 9001:2015 certified company.
This latest recognition marks a modest
contribution to the progress and development of Philippine business as Crown Asia
Chemicals Corporation moves forward to supply various requirements in the
construction industry and several major infrastructure projects to keep its